Breaking News: Apple-Samsung verdict expected shortly

Breaking News: Apple-Samsung verdict expected shortly

SAN JOSE, Calif.--The seven-man, two-woman jury deliberating the Apple-Samsung patent-infringement case is expected to deliver a verdict Friday afternoon (Aug. 24). 

Nearing the end of the weeks-long trial here, they must consider a case that has expanded into more than 1,900 pages of legal filings and tens of exhibits including dozens of smartphones and tablets they will have available to examine. At the end of the day, they have to answer 33 highly specific and complex multipart questions on a 20 page verdict form.

To help them do that work, they have been given by Judge Lucy Koh 84 instructions that span another 109 page document. They include explanations of arcane legal concepts such as patent exhaustion and--ironically--obviousness.

Here's a look at what the jury has grappled with

We'll post updates once the verdict's announced. 

Here's a collection of EE Times stories from the nearly three-week-long trial

Related articles:
--Patent system on trial in Apple, Samsung case
--Apple-Samsung trial coverage
--Expert says Samsung phones, tablets infringe

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